Le Cento Fonti

The hundred Sources è una installazione multicanale che invita lo spettatore al centro di un paesaggio sonoro in grado di regalare un’esperienza immersiva di ascolto e di riflessione incentrata sul tema dell’acqua come fonte di vita e di continuo rinnovamento. 

It comes from research on the soundscape and the musical qualities of natural environments, a research that led the artist Fausto Caricato to engage in Soundwalks in the mountain woods of Asciano Pisano, to record the "voices" of the cisterns and the numerous waterways: the latest evidence, together with the medieval ruins, of communities of mystics and hermits who lived alongside them.

Result of a transparent fine montage of stereophonic field-recordings - then spatialized on eight channels - listener experiences in space a texture of sounds of sources and wooded environments that changes from point to point, since each speaker reproduces the voice of a stream or a source. or a different tank. A polyphony is therefore created in which each voice has its own characteristic timbre, its own speed that transmits a different emotion.


  1. Studio Gennai Arte Contemporanea, Pisa
  2. Castello Visconteo, Pavia (in collaborazione con il settore cultura del comune di Pavia)
16/07/21 – 16/09/21 | Studio Gennai Arte Contemporanea Pisa

Sonorizzazione a cura di Fausto Caricato di Fons Vitae di Antonio Ievolella, Castello Visconteo Pavia.
Fons Vitae (Antonio Ievolella) sonorizzazione di Fausto Caricato - Castello Visconteo Pavia